
Hello friend, come on in, don't be shy.
There's tons to see and more to come. But please do stay a while, and take a trip through the enchanted forests, meet the mysterious mushrooms and the enticing fairies and sirens.


{NewNew} Etsy Team

I am officially a part of the {NewNew} Etsy team. Thanks to a friend who is a member - with an awesome Etsy shop - I was introduced to the Etsy world and the NewNew.

It is a group composed of mainly female Etsy shoppers in the tristate area, who help support and encourage each other to strive for success in the somewhat isolating craft world. I'm hoping to network, gain knowledge and support while navigating the Etsy community. As I am still very new to Etsy and being an entrepreneur, so I need all the help I can get.  Hopefully by fall, I'll have enough experience to enter a craft show or flea market. I've helped out at the Dekalb Market last December, besides it being freezing, it was blast. I really enjoyed the creative environment and meeting all the vendors - there were quiet a few characters.

I'm really excited and this is just the kind of motivation I need to keep going.

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