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Pinnochio Inspired Paintings

I did a small series of 3 paintings based on Buratino, the Russian version of the Pinnochio. Buratino was published in 1936 by Aleksey Nikolayevich Tolstoy, after Carlo Collodi's Pinnochio. The main characters are Buratino, Malvina, and Pierrot.

Oil and Graphite on Canvas
Buratino is a long nosed wooden puppet carved by Papa Carlo. This one is actually more closely related to Pinnochio than the actual Butratino. I chose to do this version because it's more contrasting, Buratino's tones were too similar to Malvina's.

Oil and Graphite on Canvas
Malvina is a beautiful blue haired girl puppet. She is sarcastic and unfazed, but a loyal friend. 
She has a pet poodle names Artemon.

Oil and Graphite on Canvas

Pierrot is a sad looking puppet who is also a poet and madly in love with Malvina.

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