
Hello friend, come on in, don't be shy.
There's tons to see and more to come. But please do stay a while, and take a trip through the enchanted forests, meet the mysterious mushrooms and the enticing fairies and sirens.


Magnets are here.

Yay!!! I was so excited to come home today to a little package by my door from PureButtons. My magnets are here. I ordered only 2 designs of my mushrooms, my "Wild Thing" and "Autumn Dawn". I wanted to test out how they look and I must say they are too adorable. The magnets are 1.5x1.5 inch square, perfect size from my original 6x6 canvas paintings, so I didn't have to crop anything.

 I'm kinda tempted to fill up my entire fridge with them. That won't be too ridiculous, would it?

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