
Hello friend, come on in, don't be shy.
There's tons to see and more to come. But please do stay a while, and take a trip through the enchanted forests, meet the mysterious mushrooms and the enticing fairies and sirens.


Etsy shop is now open.

That's right, after much time spent procrastinating, I finally dove in and opened my Etsy shop byMarta. Now if you go on Etsy and look up my shop, you may notice that I registered in 2008, thats not a typo, It's sad to admit that yea it took me that long. But now that I have everything planned, organized and got my giant grey monster (aka my archival printer) I am all set to go.

So far I have listed a few giclee painting of my whimsical mushrooms, a couple of original painting from my Buratino series, and couple of magnets of my mushrooms. Hoping to be productive this weekend and list some giclee prints.

Please check out my byMarta Etsy shop, comment as you see fit.

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