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Peace: oil painting

A while back I sketched out an image of a tree branch curved to look like a peace sign. Originally I thought it would look cool in watercolor and printed on a shirt or something. But then I really wanted to paint it and fit a little cute birdie inside the peace sign. I'm really happy wiht the result. I like the deep contrast of the dark wood against the bright blue background and the subtlety of the cherry blossoms.

Oil and Ink on Canvas

The subtle cherry blossoms filling in the gaps of the branches, completing the peace sign. Cherry Blossoms have been identified with many symbolisms, among which is the theme of moratality. The delicate flowers that only bloom for a short time then die conveys the fragile circle of life that many take for granted. I think they fit perfectly with the theme of Peace. As many take life for granted, holding on to grudges and filling their hearts with grief and hate, cherry blossoms serve as a reminder to instead take the limited time we have to enjoy the simple things and learn to be at peace.

Since ancient times, birds have been symbols of freedom and a link between the heaven and earth. Inspiration that soars the sky without limits.

Well, I hope you like it. Comments are greatly appreciated.

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