
Hello friend, come on in, don't be shy.
There's tons to see and more to come. But please do stay a while, and take a trip through the enchanted forests, meet the mysterious mushrooms and the enticing fairies and sirens.


More Shrooms

Another little shroom is born. Say hello to NIGHT FALL .

Night Fall
Oil paints, graphite.

The little fellow spends all his free time playing in the leaves, usually around night time. Just look at that big smile. Such simple times when we were kids and playing in the leaves was so much fun, except my curfew was at sundown.

The painting is done is oil and graphite on canvas measuring 6x6x2. I love working on smaller scale canvas. I feel like I have more control over details and it's easier to keep proportions in check.

Available as a giclee print at my Etsy shop. Be sure to stop by and check it out.

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