
Hello friend, come on in, don't be shy.
There's tons to see and more to come. But please do stay a while, and take a trip through the enchanted forests, meet the mysterious mushrooms and the enticing fairies and sirens.


Better Than Jam: Pop-Up Shop

This summer, I was honored to be selected as one of the talented Etsy crafters to be featured in the Better than Jam Pop-Up shop on governor's Island. The traffic was a bit on the slow side, mainly due to our location. But it was a learning experience and I made a few new friends. Plus, I got some really photos of my products (hello, free photoshoot).

HairBows Barrettes with art prints enclosed in recycled bottlecaps.

Adjustable charm bracelets with my signature art.

Art Lockets and small pendants with my original art prints.

Small art pendants in ornate bronze settings.

My black mushroom giclee print framed.


  1. Your work is lovely! I found your blog on the etsy blogging team so stopped over to say hello and follow. I look forward to seeing more of your creations!

