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Eysy Tools for Sellers

I often browse other Etsy blogs to see what other crafters are doing. Alot f the time, I come across them using awesome widgets to promote their shop on their blogs. So I decided to do a little research and find these magical widgets. One of the sites I found is MakeForBusiness. It is a one stop place for all your Etsy widget needs. Here, I discovered Etsy On Sale widget which I promptly put to use and created my first On sale event for my shop. (p.s. - the sale is currently live but not for long, so make sure you check it out). Below are some images to help you better understand the process of creating a sale. It's really easy and simple.

This is the homepage of Etsy on Sale. Click the Seller Tools button at the top right corner.

Sign in with your Google account.

Set you Time Zone and click to authorize your Etsy shop. It will direct you to Etsy where you'll have to grant access to the widget.

Your shop banner will pop up and you;re ready to create your event. Click on the banner to start.

Click Sales Events.

Click New Sales Events on the right.

Follow instructions to create a Sale. if you have any questions. Click the Help button on the top right.
The only drawbacks is that it let's you pick sections of the shop to put on sale and not individual items. It's not a big deal, you can always create a new section in your sale with just the items you wish to be on sale and then create a Sale event for that section. And also that they give you one free trial, otherwise you have to pay to create Sale Events. The best deal is 100 points for $25, which comes out to be 25 cents per Sales Event. Not too bad. What d you guys think?

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